Examination and Promotion Rules

  • All students should put in an attendance of at least 85% of the working days. Any student failing short of the required attendance will not be granted promotion to the next class or allowed to appear for the council examinations.
  • student absent from any assessment will be considered to have failed in that assessment. No absentee will be re-examined.
  • If a pupil is not able to appear for the whole or a part of an examination for a valid reason, his/ her case will be considered on the strength of the year’s record.
  • In case a student is found using unfair means in an examination, he/she will be awarded zero in that paper and debarred from appearing for the rest of the papers. Repetition of the same offence will result in dismissal.
  • It is compulsory for the students of classes X and XII to pass in the prelims examination in order to appear for the council exams. Students who do not appear for or fail in the prelims may not be permitted to appear for the council examination.
  • No answer sheets of the Annual Examinations will be shown to the parents.
  • A progress Report Card wil be issued to the parents/ guardians after each assessment/ examinations.
  • Any change in these rules or additions to it will be notified from time to time through circular, letter, or announced in the morning assembly.
  • None of these rules either in part or as a whole will be challenged in any court of law.