Rules of The School

  • The Diary must be brought to the school daily.
  • Every pupil is required to attend school curricular and co- curricular activities, in the prescribed uniform. All information regarding the uniform may be obtained from the school office.
  • Punctuality must be strictly observed. Pupil must be present in the school premises 10 minutes before the commencement of the morning assembly.
  • Late comers will be marked absent, even if they are allowed to attend classes. Habitual late comers will be dealt with strictly.
  • Strict regularity and punctuality, obedience, courtesy in word and deed, cleanliness in dress and person, proper care of books and school property is expected from each and every pupil.
  • No pupil may be absent from classes/ school functions except for serious reasons. Parents/ guardians should all in the ‘Leave of Absence Record’ when their son/ daughter comes back to school and also send along a signed leave application.
  • If for some serious reasons a pupil cannot attend school for more than 3 consecutive days, the Principal should be informed in writing, and a medical certificate in case of illness should be submitted.
  • No Literature of any kind which is not directly connected with the school curriculum should be brought to the School.
  • Pupils are not permitted to leave the school premises during the school hours without the written permission of the Principal.
  • Parents / guardians or visitors are not allowed to meet pupils or teachers during school hours without the written permission of the Principal. Hence parents/ guardians are advised to meet teacher only by prior appointment and the written permission of the Principal.
  • The only language to be spoken within the school premises should be English.
  • While moving from one classroom to another for special subjects or for any activity , all should move in an orderly manner.
  • Pupils themselves are responsible for their own books, fountain pens, cycles, tiffin carriers or any other articles they may bring to the School.
  • It is the duty of the pupils to see that the school premises is kept clean and tidy.
  • Pupils are expected to take care of the school property. Any damage caused to the school property must be made good either individually or collectively.
  • No pupil should remain in the class room during the interval.
  • Keeping or use of cell phones in the school campus is strictly prohibited. If any such device is found it will be conscated and permanently disabled.
  • The school is divided into four Houses for all curricular and co-curricular activities. They are: Red, Yellow, Green & Blue. Every pupil must take part in at least some of the co-curricular activities unless exempted by the Principal.
  • Collection of money for any purpose requires the Principal’s explicit permission.
  • Pupils are answerable to the school authorities for their conduct both in and outside the School premises.
  • A pupil may be sent home during school hours for violating any of the school rules. The school authorities also reserve the right of suspending/ dismissing any pupil whose conduct, in their opinion, is not satisfactory.
  • All students are encouraged to make good use of the school library and the reading room.
  • A student is permitted to take only one book per week. No student is allowed to keep a book for more than a week without permission. Defaulters will be charged Rs.10/- per day.
  • A student who loses or damages a book will be charged, 20% of the printed rate.
  • All library books should be returned at least two weeks before the winter vacation and the annual examination.