About Us

St. John’s school, Fatehpur is owned by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Allahabad. It is situated at near new Tehsil .Tracing back its history, we come to know that Rev. Fr. Anand IMS started St. John’s Hindi medium primary school in 1990. Mrs. Veena Peter was its first head mistress & continued her service till the sisters belonging to the Congregation of Jesus were asked to take up the charge, in collaboration with the Indian Missionary Society [IMS] Priests in the Diocese of Allahabad.

The school received recognition up to the level of middle School in 1994. It was during this time (1994-95) When Fr. Arvind IMS and Fr. Prem Antony IMS who were serving at Patel Nagar, bought the plot of land that currently houses St. John’s school. On 22nd July 2001 a grand new building was blessed and inaugurated by the then Bishop, Rev. Dr. Isidore Fernandes. On 1st July Sr. Fernanda C.J took over as the Head Mistress of the school. It was then a full pledged Hindi medium school.

At the request of the parents & well wishers and according to the pressing need of the time , an English Medium school was started side by side. On 6th Feb. 2010, the first Registration form for the English Medium was filled in by the parents of Shiva Vishwakarma. On 5th April 2010, the English Medium started to function officially. The first teachers were Sr. Melanie CJ, Sr. Florine CJ, Bro. Ritesh IMS and Miss. Deeksha Srivastava. The seed for English Medium was sown under the leadership of Sr. Fernanda CJ ( Principal) and Fr. Arvind IMS ( Manager). After the eight years of yeoman service to the school Sr. Fernanda was transferred on 13th April 2010. On 26th April 2010 Sr. Martha came on transfer in place of Sr. Fernanda.

18th June 2010 is a significant day in the history of St. John’s School as Rev. Fr. Vipin D’Souza, the first Allahabad Diocesan Priest took over the charge from the Indian Missionary Society ( IMS). Under the leadership of Rev. Fr. Vipin D’ Souza( Manager) and Sr. Martha CJ ( Principal) St. John’s School has undergone several changes over the past few years, adapting to the needs and demands of the changing times; yet firmly rooted in its ideology.

The year 2017 was a decisive year as the Management decided to close down the Hindi Medium school and in 2018,we surrended the U.P Board Recognition and St. John’s School became a Full Pledged English Medium School. On 20th April 2018 the school received the ICSE Board Affiliation. St. John’s School English Medium has completed 8 years, enters into its 9th year. During the past eight years the school campus with its sprawling lawns and majestic building has emerged into a sacred learning place. In keeping with its motto, ‘ Let your light shine’ , there is a space for every child to grow up and blossom in his / her own unique way at St. John’s.

The holistic development of each child has been the driving force behind the education imparted here. The students here are passionate about everything they do and the rapport that the students and teachers share is inexplicable. So, today St. john’s isn’t just a school, it is a shrine of learning, grooming its learners into leaders of tomorrow. Physical training, social, cultural and ptherextra curricular activities are given adequate place in the children’s education to make them disciplined and worthy citizens. Moral Education, taught to all children, aims at inculcating in them right values and attitudes