School Uniforms

The wearing of the prescribed uniform is obligatory; children will not be allowed to sit in the class if they are dressed differently. The following is the uniform now in force:

P.G., L.K.G. & U.K.G.

Summer: Winter:

Girls: Navy Blue full sleeved shirt, navy-blue pleated skirt with straps, tie, belt, white socks with navy blue stripes on top, black buckle shoes and black rubber band/ hair band and identity card.

Boys: Navy blue full sleeved shirt, navy- blue pants with straps, tie, belt, white socks with navy blue stripes on top and black buckle shoes and identity card.

Girls: Navy blue V-neck pullover/ sleeveless or full sleeve sweater with strips on the border with monogram. A Navy blue blazer with school monogram and navy blue stocking or leggings and identity card.

Boys: Navy blue V-neck pullover/ sleeveless or full sleeve sweater with strips on the border with monogram. Navy blue blazer with school monogram and identity card.


Girls: White pleated skirt with straps, white full sleeved shirt, tie, belt, white socks with navy blue stripes on top, white buckle shoes and white rubber band/ hair band and identity card.

Boys: White pants with straps, white full sleeved shirt, tie, belt, white socks with navy blue stripes on top and white buckle shoes and identity card.


Summer: Winter:

Girls: Navy blue pleated divided skirt with blue check shirt, white socks with navy blue stripes on top, black buckle shoes, belt, tie, black rubber band/ hair band and identity card.

Boys: Navy blue pants with blue check shirt, white socks with navy blue stripes on top,

black buckle shoes, belt ,tie and identity card.

Girls: Navy blue V-neck pullover/ sleeveless or full sleeve sweater with strips on the border with monogram. A Navy blue blazer with school monogram and navy blue stocking or leggings and identity card.

Boys: Navy blue V-neck pullover/ sleeveless or full sleeve sweater with strips on the border with monogram. Navy blue blazer with school monogram and identity card.



Girls: White pleated divided skirt, white shirt, white socks with navy blue stripes on the top, belt, tie and white rubber band/ hair band and identity card.

Boys: White pants, white shirt, white socks with navy blue stripes on the top, belt, tie and white shoes and identity card.



Girls: White pleated divided skirt, House colour T-shirt with monogram, white socks with navy blue stripes on top, belt, tie and white rubber band/ hair band and identity


Boys: White pants, House colour T-shirt with monogram, white socks with navy blue stripes on top, belt, tie and white shoes and identity card.


Summer: Winter:

Girls: Navy blue Pants with blue check shirt and blue sleeveless coat with monogram, white socks with navy blue strips on the top, black shoes black rubber band / hair band, long hair to be plated, tie, belt and identity card.

Boys: Navy blue pants with blue check shirt, white socks with navy blue strips on the top, black shoes, belt , tie and identity card.

Girls: Navy blue V-neck pullover/ sleeveless or full sleeve sweater with strips on the border with monogram. A Navy blue blazer with school monogram and navy blue stocking or leggings.

Boys: Navy blue V-neck pullover/ sleeveless or full sleeve sweater with strips on the

border with monogram. Navy blue blazer with school monogram.


Girls: White Pants, white shirt, blue sleeveless coat with monogram, white socks with navy blue strips on the top, white shoes, white rubber band / hair band, long hair to be plated and identity card.

Boys: White pants, white shirt, white socks with navy blue stripes on the top, belt, tie, white shoes and identity card.


Girls: White Pants, white shirt, House colour sleeveless coat with monogram , white socks with navy blue strips on the top, white shoes, white rubber band / hair band, long hair to be plated and identity card.

Boys: White pants, House colour T-shirt with monogram, white socks with navy blue stripes on top, belt, tie, white shoes and identity card.