Principal's Message

The launching of the St. John’s School website in the 9th year of its existence in the educational map of India, in the district of Fatehpur is indeed a significant event for the entire SJS Family. The seed of education was sown in the sacred ground of SJS on 5th April 2010 in order to form children with special emphasis on moral, spiritual and intellectual formation. St. John’s school is open to students of all communities, irrespective of status, castes, creed and Religion. This Institution is committed to quality education for boys and girls in learning and prepares them for careers, successful life, community service and lifelong intellectual pursuit. Thus developing leaders with the potential for influencing and transforming society.

I personally believe that the children of today are the leaders of tomorrow and education is a very important weapon to prepare children for their future roles as leaders. At St. John’s School we feel passionate that we are not just educating the children of today but the leaders of tomorrow. In today’s tough, technical, competitive and commercial world, when the basic values of honesty, truth and respect for life are at a premium, we aim at developing true human beings endowed with qualities of honesty, hard work and concern for others. It is our firm belief that India will be rebuilt when the children who sit in our classrooms today take up responsible positions in their homes, communities and government offices and become agents of PEACE and builders of a UNIVERSAL FAMILY. Let the education we impart empower our learners to make a positive contribution in the transformation of our society.

I take this opportunity to gratefully acknowledge the contribution of all who have helped in the growth of this Institution from its humble beginning in 2010 to its present stature. Encouraged by what has been and open to what will be, let us look forward to the coming year with greater HOPE and PROMISE. In all our endeavors in this direction may we experience the powerful presence, abiding love and bountiful blessings of God, Our Father.

May St. John’s School march forward as a ‘ BEACON OF LIGHT’.

Sr. Mary Joseph C.J