Manager's Message

India is a developing country, with a high population and educating them is a big challenge for the government. The missionary schools have taken up this challenge from the very beginning as a mission, and render its services for the humanity.

St. John’s School, [a missionary school] Fatehpur, is serving in the field of education selflessly since 2001.

A good education helps a child for its all round development and growth. It’s like a raw mud, innocent and curious too.

In the present world of electronic media and in the world of competitions, it is really a challenge for the school/teachers to educate the children.

St. John’s School takes up this challenge as a mission and prepares the children to face this ever changing world with courage and confidence.

St. John’s School is serving the society of Fatehpur, for about 30 years and now as a full pledged English Medium School, affiliated to ICSE Board, New Delhi. The English Speaking atmosphere of the school is a great help for the students to speak in English and to develop their talents. The experienced and well qualified teachers teach the students with dedication.

The religious sisters of the Congregation of Jesus (CJ), who are known for their School Education, serve the school, and head the role of the Principal of the school.

Education is the responsibility of both Parents and the Teachers. Both have to shoulder this great task, in their own capacity. That’s why a healthy relationship of parents and the teachers is much expected and required in this matter.

As Fr. Dick McHugh says, “I learned that the resources to find answers are within each person”. Everyone has the power within to solve the problems, but one may require the guidance from the elders/experienced. It’s the duty of the parents and the teachers to find the talents of the child and guide them to develop it. So, believe in the power within you and march ahead.


Rev. Fr. George Prakash Dantis