Admission Rules

  • A student joining school for the first time must produce a satisfactory evidence of the date of birth such as an extract from the Municipal (Nagar Palika or Nagar Nigam ) or baptismal certificate.
  • The name and date of birth of a pupil as recorded in the admission Register cannot be changed. Parents are requested to give the correct date of birth and name (spelling) at the time of admission.
  • No pupil from another school will be admitted without a transfer certificate. However a pupil coming from another state in expected to produce Transfer Certificate countersigned by the inspector of the school. He/She is also required to appear in the entrance test.
  • Generally no admissions are made to class X and XII
  • In case of re-admission after withdrawal, admission fee will be levied again
  • The School authorities reserve the right to refuse admission without assigning any reason The final decision with regard to admission rests with the Management. Recommendations will not be considered and donations in this regard will not be accepted