Our Father in Heaven/ Holy be your name/ your kingdom come/ Your will be done/ On earth
as it is in Heaven/ Give us this day our daily bread/ And forgive us our sins/ As we forgive/
those who sin against us/ and do not bring us to the test/ but deliver us from evil./ Amen
India is my country / all Indians are / my brothers and sisters / I love my country / and I am
proud of its rich / and varied heritage./ I shall always strive to be worthy of it.
I shall give my parents / teachers / and all elders respect / and treat everyone with courtesy.
To my country and my people / I pledge my devotion . In their well -being and prosperity
alone / lies my happiness.
The pledge was originally composed in Telegu language by Pydimari Venkata Subha Rao, a
noted author in Telegu and a bureaucrat, in 1962 . It was rst read out in a school in
Vishakhapatnam in 1963 and was subsequently translated into various regional
languages. The Central Advisory Board of Education meeting in 1964 in Bangalore, under its
chairman MC Chagla, directed that the pledge be read in schools and that this practice is
introduced by 26th January 1965, the next Republic Day.
It radiates a high element human and spiritual excellence. It overows with sublime degree
of being purposeful, inclusive and other oriented. Conceiving one’s country as a family is a
way of establishing solidarity at the national level, and even much beyond. Paying the
regard that is due to great givers of life is the elevation strength for committing oneself to the
good and well being of all. Sharing the pedestal of a of a multi- faceted cultural fabric is the
basis of a composite culture. Making a network of brotherly and sisterly relationships is the
expressway towards tolerance, open interaction, peaceful co-existence, harmonious living
and national regeneration.